Endings and Beginnings

Finishing up the 2024-2025 sailing season was a whirl wind! I was working an emergency relief stint on a new ship, and after dropping our last load of taconite in Toledo, OH, we were off to layup and dry dock in Superior, WI. We were treated to a spectacular “sea-smoke” sunrise on Lake Superior as we neared our final port of the season.

Resting in dry dock for the required 5-year inspection

With the ship resting in dry dock, I headed to the airport at 3:30 am to begin winter work in a new port, in a new city. After catching two flights, and renting a car to drive to the ship, I arrived safely at 6:00 pm.

Arriving approximately 10 hours by car south of the previous port, the weather was not so different…

It was now time to get baking. As a steward doing “winter work,” you generally work alone, so the baking duties need to be fit into the daily prep work and planning.

Although it seems that long days in a galley and working 7 days a week would already create a “whirl wind” sensation, adding in a couple flights, and or some windshield time to the mix sure does add some excitement. I am extremely blessed to be doing what I do, where I do it. Looking back a couple years, I would never have guessed that my life would have changed so drastically. I have successfully transitioned from one career to a new and exciting venture, one that would not be possible without the incredible love and support of my wife and lifelong friend. Together, with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we will continue to forge new paths as we discover what He has in store for our next adventures.

2024: Blessings and Business

2024 was a busy year for Mise en Place Culinary Consulting, LLC! Began the year with winter work on a freighter while in lay-up, then galley consulting on two Great Lakes freighters, bid and won the contract for providing galley services for the T/S State of Michigan 2024 summer cruise of 4.5 months. After that exciting opportunity, we provided consulting on three more freighters. I had an opportunity to assist with the delivery of a tugboat from upstate New York on the St. Lawrence River, across Lake Ontario, through the Welland Canal, and down to Cleveland. I finished off 2024 with an emergency relief steward stint on another lake freighter, of which was the first time sailing with this particular company.

It been a blessed year of business and work. We’re looking forward to more of the same in 2025, while expanding our business out to the “deep water” and beyond.

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Last Trip Through the Soo Locks for 2024!

The last day of August, 2024 was also the last visit to the Soo Locks for the ship and cadets of the Great Lakes Maritime Academy (GLMA). After a stormy Lake Huron trip overnight, the day dawned bright orange with passing clouds. Cooler temperatures were welcome along with the shimmering sun on the waters of the Lower St. Mary’s River. The day included handing off some treats for the “lock” workers on the way north and concluded with a down bound passage through the locks at sunset.

Looking west towards the Soo Locks from the stern of the T/S State of Michigan. August 31, 2024

Phase Three of 2024

The T/S State of Michigan departed from its home port on the last cruise of the season. There is an air of excitement as we head north toward Lake Michigan from West Grand Traverse Bay.

Great Lakes campus of Northwestern Michigan College from the stern of the training ship.
Heading under the Mighty Mac! August 29, 2024.